Hooked on crochet

I grew up seeing myself as a knitter taught by my mum from an early age  – crochet was something I wasn’t interested in at all..(despite having a lovely crochet dress made for me when I was a pre teen)

I remember knitting a jumper/sweater when I was fifteen (though mum did have to help with that – I still have it,

though it wouldn’t go anywhere near me now : )  It looks soooo tiny!

So when did I make the leap…ummm… just a couple of months ago. I had a quick lesson

from my now elderly mum and I was off …. vroommmm…..

Now it’s jewellery, bags, bikinis, scarves, wraps, boleros, headbands, flowers and more….

You name it I will give it a go : )

Here are a few pics to give you some ideas of what I have been spending my spare time on : )